Saturday, November 20, 2010

Power talk

Ever notice how powerful good communication can be?  I have not posted anything in three days because I have been busy talking via Facebook with another person who faces many of the trials and challenges I face concerning weight, good health, and stress.

It feels so good to talk to someone who understands, someone who has gone through some tough times, someone who has been on some rough roads in their life.  Amazing how similar we are.  Granted, our experiences are different, and yet they are still the same in so many ways.

I continue to struggle with food intake.  Eating all the right stuff, just too much of it.  Can't seem to stop myself.  How stupid is that???  What will it take to make me get with the program?  A heart attack?  A stroke? 

I HATE being fat.  I hate it I hate it I hate it.  So why can't I do something about it?  I go to the indoor pool every day and do a full hour of water aerobics.  And I work hard for the full hour.  Other people comment on how hard I work.  Cannot see any results.  The scale says I have not lost a pound.  So I get discouraged, come home and eat to obscure my pain and discouragement.

Not drinking enough water.  Stopped using Crystal Light due to what I have read about artificial sweeteners.  But I think I will start using it again; I drink a LOT more water when I have the flavored stuff available.

Talked to a friend of mine last night via Facebook who is on the Metabolic Research diet; she has lost 33 pounds sincew August 1st.  Awesome.  She said it has been so easy.  I tried Metabolic last year and lost 17 pounds pretty easily, but it was so expensive, plus I did not feel good about going there.  The girls were So into selling more stuff, selling more stuff.  If I do Metabolic again, I will get only the protein packs....I can do my own thing with vitamins.  I know the program, and I don't need their vitamins.

Have to find something that works.  I have started praying to God every day that he help me find a way to lift these 30 pounds from my body.  I know He can do amazing things once WE open the door by asking for what we need.

Wish I knew how to get the word out on this blog. It would be good to interact with some other people who are struggling with weight.  Not sure how to make that happen.  But I need help.  I need someone to interact with, someone to cheer me on, keep me up, etc.

Okay, so what to do?  One, drink more water.  Two, research cinnamon and its impact on weight.  Three, get some capsacian pills.  Four, buy some grapefruit juice and drink it every morning.  Five, order some protein shakes from the compan Jill uses for her diet. 

There, that is a real start.  That will keep me busy.  Also, tomorrow I plan to play a round of golf.  That will be good exercise, and in addition to my pool routine.

Pool exercising is harder with my buddies there.  When I have no one to talk to while I exercise, it seems to take twice as long to get the workout in.  Time just crawls by.  But I hang in there and I do it.

1 comment:

  1. Start commenting on other people's blogs. Set up links to the blogs that you read here in your sidebar, then those people will find you and possibly link your blog on their's.
    Go to this guy's blog:
    He's got a challenge starting in 7 days, read about it, sign up for it, do it, get in with the online support and you will loose weight. You can do it, just get tapped into the network. He will put a link on his blog to yours if you sign up to the challenge, his blog gets loads of hits and people will start supporting you (and holding you accountable). GO FOR IT. Together we can do what we cannot do alone.
