Monday, December 27, 2010

Struggling to Stay on Course

I have not written anything for a couple of days; not sure why. I have been trying to do a better job of following some of my favorite bloggers and have written on their sites, but have neglected any direct soul searching on a conscious level. Probably not a good idea based on what I am seeing so far...

I lost only one pound last week, and that really threw me for a loop. I was more disappointed and discouraged than I had a right to be, which caught me by surprise. Nevertheless, I kind of got caught up in the "poor me" trap: all that hard work, all that deprivation, and for one pound??? Consequently, I found myself on the pity potty for a couple of days and did not take good care of myself.

This weight loss thing is incredibly simple: Find a plan that works (which I have via Allan and the rest of you), and stick to it. That simple. That, and daily exercise. The working out is the extra nudge I need to see a nice drop on the scales. I know how important the water is, I know how important the write before you bite is, I know how important limiting my calories to 1200 a day is, and I know how important exercise is for me. I just have to keep it together and do it faithfully.

We leave tomorrow for a long long drive to the Northwest, where I will spend a month. NOT looking forward to that but need to do it to fulfill a family obligation. Just the thought of leaving the desert and its 70 degree temps for the frigid, damp, cold, windy, achy in my bones Portland, OR weather is a real downer.

I went out yesterday and bought Slim Fast 100 calorie bars so I will have something to eat when I get the munchies during the trip. Since I only get to order food when we need to stop for gas, it is not always easy to keep hunger under control, so I am planning ahead. I will also take several bottles of water with me to get me through between stops.

Then there is the bathroom issue: my husband does NOT like to make pit stops unless he needs gas. This should be an interesting trip....


  1. I'm there with you, Digger. I worked so hard to stay on plan over the holiday, and had a 2 lb. GAIN for my efforts. I took solice in my declining measurements, instead of the scale this week.

    It sounds like you have a good plan for your trip. The threat of ruined upholstery should help hubby "be okay" with additional pitstops! LOL

    You do love your family, to be traveling to the NW from warm, sunny Arizona at this time of year! I hope they appreciate the sacrifice. LOL Enjoy your month, and I'm posting this comment in case you check in. If not, then I'll just say I hope it was lovely, and that the scale remains your buddy.

  2. Get yourself some D3 to help with the change in weather and the lack of sun. It will help your mood tremendously.

    The only words of encouragement I can give is that you have to forget your feelings of discouragement. Put them out of your mind entirely. Disconnect from your feelings and go strictly analytical. I would also suggest not setting any time based goals. Focus on today. Focus on what you can do today to stay within 1200 calories and getting some exercise. Because ultimately that is all you can do. Take it from me, consistent daily effort pays off. It does. When I was 370 lbs I had days like you are having where I didn't see any way out. Now? I know there is because I put in the time and the effort.

    Breathe. Eat less. Move more. Drink your water.

    Those are the keys to doing this and seeing results.

  3. Thanks for the good advice and good wishes, you two. It helps so much in this battle....

  4. I find the body a perplexing thing. You can have a perfect week...and show a gain cause the electrolyte balance may be off (too much sodium, not enough potassium) or the macronutrients changed some days (more carbs usually means some carb bloat for me, anyway). sooo frustrating.

    But when one looks at the longterm and the habits being ingrained, eating at plan, even when the scale is stubborn, eventually both teaches us and ingrains in us better food habits and eventurally shows a loss. Eventually, decreasing those calories DOES SHOW A LOSS...but things we may have eaten (cheese, pretzels, Chinese food) may cause bloat.

    And some weeks we move more than others--calories out.

    But longterm, there is effect. The body eventually had to give up the fat if the calories are kept at a sane level. It must. Until it reaches equilibrium, then you have to change things up.

    Here's to good habits, even if the scale is bad. Don't let it make you sad--though it's tempting to just mope, and don't I know it--just keep looking at the slim horizon!

  5. Oh, and don't think 1 pound loss is nothing. We are tempted to think that when people around us lose 3 and 5 and 7 pounds and more in a week and freak us the hell out! ahahahah. But those of us with insulin resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, or other conditions that affect the endocrine system, like hypothyroidism, will struggle to lose even small amounts. Happens. Unfair. Sucks. Life. A pound is a pound. Go pick up a pound of butter. That's what is GONE. And you didn't become fat in one week or even one month. It took years. A pound a week is 52 pounds in a year. That's an amazing amount to lose. And as you just saw, a year passes mighty fast. Mighty fast.

    I planned my second blog--Happy Weight After--with a two-year plan. One pound a week for two years. That would get me to goal weight.

    If I can do it faster, great. In one year? Great. But a pound a week, week in and week out, makes you THIN.

    So, keep that perspective,t oo.

  6. Hope everything is going well for the trip. I have the same, er, pit stop issue...just made a three hour trip on Monday WITH NO STOPS. I rushed into the house in a blaze of glory, I tell you, I thought death was near I needed the toilet so badly. Hope you fare better than I!

    And yeah, I agree, for someone with metabolic issues and just settling into an eating and weight loss routine, a pound loss for a week is great. And as PD said, a pound is actually quite a lot of volume! And I've had a week where I had 800 calories a day and STAYED THE SAME WEIGHT! The body is a fickle thing but if you stick it out, the weight will eventually drop, it's a foregone conclusion.

    Hang in there in OREGON....
